OptiVena Mobile Phlebotomy
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Senior Living Facilities

Assisted/Senior Living Facilties Mobile Draw Service

Are you an assisted living/senior living facility looking to provide our convenient in-house phlebotomy services to your residents? Read on to learn more about our services and how we can help your residents streamline their healthcare needs.

Tailored Mobile Lab Draw Solutions

At OptiVena Mobile Phlebotomy, we understand that every assisted living facility has its own set of unique needs and challenges. That's why we pride ourselves on our flexibility in tailoring our services to meet those specific requirements.

With over 12 years of collective experience in the healthcare field, our dedicated team brings a wealth of expertise to every interaction. This extensive experience not only ensures the highest standards of professionalism but also enables us to provide compassionate and personalized care to each and every client we serve.

Whether it's adapting to varying schedules, accommodating special requests, or addressing specific health concerns, you can trust us to deliver reliable and compassionate services that prioritize the well-being of your residents.

Tailored In-Home Phlebotomy Pricing

We believe in offering flexible solutions that meet the unique needs of each assisted living facility we serve. Understanding that budgetary considerations are important, we are pleased to offer tailored pricing plans designed to fit your specific requirements. Whether you're a small community or a larger facility, we can work with you to create a customized plan that aligns with your budget and service needs. Additionally, we offer discounted pricing based on patient volume, ensuring that you receive cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. Reach out to us today to discuss your needs, and let us create a customized plan that maximizes the value of our services for your facility and residents.

6 Reasons to Choose OptiVena

We understand the unique challenges faced by senior living communities in providing comprehensive care to residents. Ensuring convenient access to essential healthcare services becomes increasingly vital.

We offer the following benefits to all of our clients:

  • Convenient Care: We bring our services directly to your doorstep, eliminating the hassle of transportation.

  • Comfortable Environment: Residents undergo blood tests in the familiar and comforting surroundings of their own home or community, ensuring a stress-free and relaxed experience.

  • Enhanced Safety Measure: With on-site service, OptiVena reduces the risk of exposure to infections and illnesses associated with public medical facilities, prioritizing the health of your residents.

  • Personalized Attention: Our team provides individualized care, catering to the unique needs and preferences of each resident.

  • Streamlined Healthcare: By partnering with us, facilities optimized their healthcare delivery, offering convenient, safe and personalized phlebotomy services that enhance the overall quality of care for residents.

  • Competitive Rates: We strive to provide the most professional and quality services while staying affordable for all of our clients.

Contact Us

Interested in learning more about our flexible in home mobile phlebotomy pricing plans tailored to the needs of your facility? Reach out to us now to request a custom plan designed to fit your budget and service requirements.

PO BOX 9518

Chandler Heights, AZ 85127-9518



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